- Support for the business development at the SK a CZ markets for the system of ALphaDoc – a software for a complex planning process of industrial turnarounds and shutdowns
- Coordination and development of projects in the area of Smart Cities
- Marketing support for several companies in the area of industrial maintenance
- Intermediation of maintenance capacities for projects of Montirp (SK)
- Support for the business development at the SK a CZ markets for the system of ALphaDoc – a software for a complex planning process of industrial turnarounds and shutdowns
- Marketing support for several companies in the area of industrial maintenance
- Coordination of the project of “Capacity Enhancement of the Kyrgyz CSO CAMP Alatoo regarding Residential Energy Efficiency” – for Energy Center Bratislava
- Intermediation of maintenance capacities for the turnaround in NP Dukovany – for Metrostav (CZ)
- Coordination of the project execution of „Green Public Procurement in Action“ – for Energy Center Bratislava
- Support for a business development at the SK and CZ markets for the AlphaDoc system – a software for a complex planning process of industrial turnarounds and shutdown
- Intermediation of assembling capacities for MCE Slaný (CZ), co-operation with the company of WLW Group (SK)
- Intermediation of maintenance capacities for the turnaround in OMV Burghausen (D), cooperation with BIS DE and Termostav Mráz (SK)
- Coordination of the project execution UNDP/GEF “Sustainable Mobility in the City of Bratislava” for Energy Centre Bratislava
- Intermediation of assembling capacities for MCE Slaný (CZ), co-operation with the company of WLW Group (SK)
- Coordination of the project execution UNDP/GEF “Sustainable Mobility in the City of Bratislava” for Energy Centre Bratislava
- Coordination of the project execution UNDP/GEF “Sustainable Mobility in the City of Bratislava” for Energy Centre Bratislava”
- Plastika Nitra – intermediation of an Austrian supplier for chromium-plating of large- sized machinery parts
- Project of Prunéřov power plant refurbishment – cooperation with Andritz, Excon ( CZ) and SaM (SK)
- Intermediation of chromium-plating of large-size technological parts – Plastika Nitra
- Intermediation of a part of assembling capacities for the project of Ledvice power plant reconstruction, CZ
- FitnessCheck audit – SHP Harmanec
- Development of the marketing concept – NSG Technology
- Marketing support for several companies in the area of industrial maintenance
- Intermediation of assembling capacities for a technology re-location – MIBA
- Bilfinger Berger Industrial Services – market study on business possibilities at the Slovak market
- Bilfinger Berger Industrial Services – market study on business possibilities at the Czech market
- Marketing support for several companies in the area of industrial maintenance